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CBSE Course 10 History Chapter iii Actress Questions and Answers Nationalism in India Pdf free download are part of Extra Questions for Course ten Social Scientific discipline. Here we have given NCERT Extra Questions for Course 10 Social Science SST History Chapter 3 Nationalism in Bharat.

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Nationalism in India Class 10 Extra Questions History Chapter 3


Answers should not exceed thirty words.

Question 1.
With which thought the modernistic nationalism in Europe is associated ?
Modem nationalism in Europe was associated with the formation of nation-states.

Question 2.
In India what tied many different groups together against colonial power ?
The sense of beingness oppressed under colonialism provided a shared bond that tied different groups together.

Question 3.
What was forced recruitment ?
Forced recruitment was a procedure by which colonial state forced people to join the army.

Question 4.
Why did Gandhiji go to Champaran in 1916 ?
In 1916 Mahatma Gandhi went to Champaran to inspire the peasants to struggle against the oppressive plantation system.

Question five.
Which Satyagraha move was organised in Ahmedabad and when ?
In 1918 Mahatma Gandhi went to Ahmedabad to organise satyagraha movement amongst cotton mill workers.

Question 6.
Country one oppressive characteristic of Rowlatt Act ?
Information technology immune detention of political prisoners without trial for two years.

Question vii.
When did Jallianwala Bagh massacre accept place and where ?
Jallianwala Bagh massacre took identify on thirteen April, 1919 at Amritsar.

Question 8.
Which famous book was written by Mahatma Gandhi in 1909 ?
Hind Swaraj.

Question 9.
For what the Congress session of December 1920 is known ?
At Congress session (Nagpur) not-cooperation plan was adopted by the Congress.

Question 10.
Which party in the province of Madras did not cold-shoulder the quango elections nine
Justice Political party.

Question xi.
Who was Khalifa ?
The Ottoman Emperor was Khalifa or the spiritual head of the Islamic earth.

Question 12.
What was picket ?
Picket was a form of demonstration or a procession by which people block the entrance to shop, manufactory or office.

Question xiii.
Co-ordinate to Gandhiji which were two stages of non-cooperation movement ?

  1. In the outset stage, in that location should be surrender of titles that the regime awarded and boycott of civil services, army, police, courts, legislative councils, schools and foreign appurtenances.
  2. In case of repressive policy by the government, a full civil disobedience campaign would exist launched in the second stage.

Question 14.
Why people could not afford Khadi ?
Khadi cloth was oftentimes more than expensive than mass produced mill cloth and poor people could not afford to purchase it.

Question fifteen.
What was begar ?
Begar was a labour that villagers were forced to contribute without any payment.

Question 16.
What happened at Chauri-Chaura in 1922 ?
The motility turned violent and twenty two policemen were burnt to death.

Question 17.
Which party came to power in Britain in 1929 and appointed Simon Commission and why ?
Tory Party came to power and appointed Simon Commission to look into the functioning of the constitutional organisation in India.

Question xviii.
When did Simon Commission get in in Bharat and why was it boycotted ?
Simon Committee arrived in India in 1928. It was boycotted because no Indian was fellow member of this Commission.

Question 19.
Who was the president of Congress at Lahore ? When was it held ?
The 1929 session of Congress was held in Lahore under the presidentship of Jawahar Lai Nehru.

Question xx.
Why was the need to abolish the table salt tax selected ?
The demand to abolish the salt revenue enhancement was included in the demands because salt was something consumed by the rich and the poor alike and it was ane of the well-nigh essential item of food.

Question 21.
What was the view of Mahatma Gandhi about salt revenue enhancement and govt, monopoly lover information technology ?
Mahatma Gandhi declared that the tax on salt and the government monopoly over its product revealed the most oppressive face of British rule.

Question 22.
Past which march the Civil Disobedience Movement started ?
Dandi March.

Question 23.
State one difference between Non-cooperation and Civil Disobedience Movement.
People were now asked not just to refuse cooperation with the British, as they had done in 1921-22, but likewise to break colonial law such as salt tax law.

Question 24.
When was a pact with Lord Irwin signed ? How is it known ?
The pact known every bit Gandhi-Irwin Pact, was signed on 5th March, 1931.

Question 25 .
What was principal clause of the Gandhi-Irwin Pact (1931) ?
Gandhiji consented to participate in the Second Round Table Briefing in London and the government agreed to release the political prisoners.

Question 26.
Why the Congress was reluctant to include workers' demands as role of its program of Civil Disobedience Movement ?
The Congress was reluctant to include workers' demands equally part of its plan because information technology was felt that this would alienate industrialists and separate the anti-imperial forces.

Question 27.
Who organised the dalits into the Depressed Classes Association in 1930 ?

Question 28.
What was the demand of BR Ambedkar for the dalits at the Second Round Tabular array Conference ?
BR Ambedkar demanded separate electorate for the dalits.

Question 29.
Which are the dissimilar factors in making of nationalism ?
History and fiction, folklore and songs, popular prints and symbols all played a part in the making of nationalism.

Question 30.
Who wrote 'Vande Mataram' in 1870s ?
In 1870s Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay wrote "Vande Mataram' as a hymn to the motherland.

Question 31.
During Swadeshi Movement who painted the image of Republic of india Mata ?
Moved by Swadeshi Move Abanindranath Tagore painted image of Bharat Mata.

Question 32.
Who designed the Swaraj flag ? Which colours were included in it ?
Answer: Ans.
Gandhiji designed the swaraj flag. It was a tricolour – cerise, greenish and white and had a spinning cycle in the centre, representing the Gandhian ideal of self-assist.


Answers should he in virtually 80/100 words.

Question one.
Why did Gandhiji decide to launch a nationwide Satyagraha against the proposed Rowlatt Deed 1919 ? [CBSE 2016]
Who passed the Rowlatt Act and when ? Explain two major provisions of the Rowlatt Act.
Run across Textbook Practise Question 1(c).

Question 2.
Explain the reasons and effects of Jallianwala Bagh massacre.
Narrate the events leading to the Jallianwala Bagh massacre on 13 Apr, 1919. What were its effects ?
(A) The reasons/events leading to the Jallianwala Bagh massacre were equally mentioned beneath :

  1. In March 1919, Rowlatt Act was passed despite the united opposition of the Indian members. It gave powers to the government to detain political prisoners without trial for two years.
  2. Gandhiji decided to showtime non-fierce civil disobedience confronting Rowlatt Act with a hartal on 6 Apr, 1919.
  3. Activities under the move were every bit given below :
    (a) Rallies were organised in diverse cities.
    (b) Workers went on strike in railway workshops.
    (c) Shops were closed.
  4. Policy of the regime: The government was alarmed by the popular participation in the movement and was afraid that the lines of communications – railways and telegraph would be disrupted, it decided to follow a stric policy as given below :
    (a) Local leaders in Amritsar were arrested.
    (b) Mahatma Gandhi was barred from entering Delhi.
    (c) On April 10,1919, the police force in Amritsar fired upon a peaceful procession. Every bit a outcome of firing people were provoked and attacked banks, post offices and railway stations.
    (d) The government in society to command the situation, imposed Martial Constabulary. General Dyer took command.
  5. On 13 April, 1919, i.e., Baisakhi twenty-four hour period, villagers gathered in a off-white in Jallianwala Bagh. They were unaware of the Martial Law that had been imposed. Dyer entered the area and blocked the exit signal. He opened fire on the crowd, killing hundreds. He declared later that his object was to 'produce a moral effect', i.due east., create in the minds of satyagrahis a feeling of terror and awe.

(B) Effects :

  1. After the Jallianwala Bagh massacre crowds took to the streets in many north Indian towns. In that location were strikes, clashes with the police and attacks on authorities buildings.
  2. The government, on the other hand, followed a policy of repression.
    (a) They humiliated and terrorised people.
    (b)Satyagrahis were forced to rub their noses on the ground.
    (c) They were forced to crawl on the streets and salam all sahibs.
    (d) People were flogged.
    (eastward) Some villages around Gujranwala in Punjab were bombed. As the violence spread, Gandhiji called off the movement.

Question 3.
Why did Mahatma Gandhi experience the need to launch a more than wide-hased motility in Bharat ? How did he reach this object ?
(A) The reason for a more wide-based movement was that the Rowlatt Satyagraha had been a widespread movement but it was mostly limited to cities and towns.
(B) Gandhiji achieved his object in the way as mentioned beneath :

  1. Gandhiji felt that a more wide-based movement could not be organised without bringing Hindu-Muslim unity.
  2. (a) Ane way of achieving Hindu-Muslim unity was to take up the Khilafat upshot.
    (b) After the defeat of Turkey in World State of war I there were rumours that harsh terms would exist imposed on the emperor of Turkey who was also the Khalifa or the spiritual caput of the Muslims.
    (c) The Indian Muslims decided to defend the temporal powers of the Khalifa.
    id) Muhammad Ali and Shaukat Ali — two brothers, met Gandhiji who saw this equally an opportunity to bring two communities closer and first a unified national movement.
  3. Congress sessions at Calcutta and Nagpur:
    (a) In the special session of the Congress at Calcutta in September 1920, inspite of opposition of some leaders, Gandhiji convinced leaders to showtime a Non-Cooperation Movement in support of Khilafat besides as for swaraj.
    (b) However, many within the Congress were reluctant to cold-shoulder the council elections scheduled for November 1920, and they feared that the movement might lead to violence.
    (c) But finally at Nagpur session in Dec 1920, a compromise between two Congress groups was worked out and the Non-Cooperation programme was adopted in support of Khilafat as well as for Swaraj.

Question 4.
How had non-cooperation spread in cities ? Explicate. Why did information technology gradually slow down ? [CBSE 2016]
(a) In the towns, centre classes participated in the movement in the following ways :

  1. Students left the schools and colleges. Headmasters and teachers resigned. Lawyers gave up their practise.
  2. Elections were boycotted except in Madras, where Justice Party, took part in elections because it was a party of not-Brahmans and felt that entering the Council was one way of gaining some ability – something that ordinarily only Brahmans had access to.
  3. Strange goods were boycotted.
  4. Liquor shops were picketed.
  5. Strange clothes were burnt in huge bonfires.
  6. Many traders refused to import strange cloth or trade in strange appurtenances.

(b) Economic effects of Non-Cooperation Move were as given beneath :

  1. The import of foreign cloth decreased from ? 102 crore to Thou 57 crore between 1921 and
  2. In many places merchants and traders refused to trade in foreign goods or finance foreign trade.
  3. People discarded foreign dress and started wearing just Indian wearing apparel. This led to increased production by the Indian fabric mills and handlooms.

(c) The motility in the cities gradually slowed down for the reasons every bit given below :

  1. Khadi was frequently more than expensive than mass produced mill material and poor people could not afford to buy information technology.
  2. Similarly the boycott of British institutions failed because to be successful alternative Indian institutions could not exist fix up in place of the British ones. Equally a issue of it, students and teachers began to go back to authorities schools.
  3. The lawyers too joined dorsum piece of work in government courts.

Question 5.
Draw the causes, events and results of peasants movement of Awadh during the Non-Cooperation Movement.
During the Non-Cooperation Motility, the peasants of Awadh under the leadership of Baba Ramchandra – a sanyasi, participated.

  1. Causes :
    (a) The talukdars and landlords demanded high rents and other cesses from the peasants who had to exercise begar and work at landlord'due south farms without payment.
    (b) As tenants, there was no security of tenure and no right over the leased land.
  2. Object and demands : The demands included reduction of acquirement, abolition of begar, and social boycott of oppressive landlords.
  3. Activities during the motion:
    (a) In many places, nai-dhobi bandhs were organised by panchayats to deprive landlords of the services of even barbers and washermen.
    (b) Past October 1920 Oudh Kisan Sabha was formed. It was headed by Jawaharlal Nehru who had gone there, talked to the villagers to understand their grievances.
    (c) Inside a month over 300 branches had been setup in the villages effectually this region.
    (d) Subsequently the start of not-cooperation movement Congress tried to integrate the Awadh peasants struggle into a wider struggle.
    (e) The peasant motion, however, developed in forms that the Congress leadership was unhappy with considering in 1921 the houses of talukdars and merchants were attacked, bazars were looted, and grain hoards were taken over.
    1. The local leaders told peasants that Gandhiji had declared that no taxes were to be paid and country was to be redistributed amid the poor. The name of Gandhiji was used to sanction all actions and aspirations.
  4. Results : As the peasants struggle had turned violent, the Congress was unhappy.

Question half dozen.
Write a short note on the participation of tribal peasants in the Gudem Hills of Andhra Pradesh in the Non-Cooperation Movement.

  1. Causes for participation :
    (a) The colonial government had closed large forest areas, preventing people from entering the forests to graze their cattle, or to collect fuelwood and fruits.
    (b) These restrictions had afflicted their livelihoods also equally their traditional rights.
    (c) They were forced to contribute begar for road building.
  2. Activities : They attacked police stations and attempted to impale British officials and carried on guerrilla warfare for achieving swaraj.
  3. Their leader and his views : Alluri Sitaram Raju led them in the militant guerrilla motility. He was influenced by Gandhiji and persuaded them to article of clothing khadi and give upward drinking. He believed in the apply of force for liberation of the land. He was captured and executed in 1924 and became a folk hero.
  4. Importance : This shows that tribal people were too influenced by Non-Cooperation Motility and took part in information technology in their own way. Tribal peasants, nonetheless, could not attain their objects because such activities were not canonical by the Congress.

Question 7.
"The plantation workers in Assam had their own agreement of Mahatma Gandhi and the nation of Swaraj." Support the argument with arguments. [CBSE2016]
Draw why did the plantation workers of Assam join the Non-Cooperation Movement. What were its results ? What was the importance of movement of plantation workers and other such movements ?
(a) Object : Under the Inland Emigration Act of 1859, plantation workers in Assam were not permitted to get out the tea gardens without permission. In practice they were rarely given such permission. For them liberty meant the right to move freely in and out of the Confined space in which they were enclosed and it meant retaining a link with the village from which they had come. They believed that under Gandhi Raj everyone would be given land in their own hamlet.
(b) Events :

  1. During the movement, thousands of workers defied the authorities.
  2. They left the plantations and headed home.
  3. They, notwithstanding, never reached their destination. Stranded on the way past a railway and steamer strike, they were caught by the police and brutally beaten upward.

(c) Importance :

  1. The objects of movement of plantation workers and other such movements (of tribal people in Gudem Hills of Andhra Pradesh) were non defined by the Congress plan. They interpreted the term Swaraj in their ain ways. They hoped that time will come up when their all miseries would come to an end.
  2. The tribals chanted Gandhiji'south name and raised slogans demanding 'Swatantra Bharat This fashion they were too emotionally relating to an all Bharat agitation.
  3. When they acted in the name of Mahatma Gandhi or linked their move with Congress, they were identifying with a movement which went beyond the limits of their immediate locality.

Question 8.
Write a short note on Swaraj Party.
Later the interruption of the Non-Cooperation Movement in 1922, there were ii groups in the Congress. Some leaders were tired of mass struggles and wanted to participate in the council elections. They were of the opinion that the British policies should be opposed within the councils. They should ask for more reforms and demonstrate that these councils were not truly autonomous. These leaders were C.R. Das and Motilal Nehru who formed Swaraj Party for fighting elections and to return to council politics.

The other group was led by younger elements like Jawaharlal Nehru and Subhash Chandra Bose who were in favour of more radical mass agitation and for full independence. However, the swarajists were allowed to fight elections. They succeeded just to some extent in 1923. In 1926, elections they did non succeed due to expiry of C.R. Das.

Question ix.
Simon Commission was greeted with slogan "Go Dorsum Simon" at arrival in India. Back up this reaction of Indians with arguments. [CBSE 2016]
(a) In 1928, Simon Commission was constituted by the Tory government in Britain in response to the nationalist movement.
(b) The object of the Commission under Sir John Simon, was to wait into the performance of the constitutional organization in India and advise changes. Just the problem was that the commission did not take a single Indian fellow member. All the members were British.
Information technology was under these circumstances that the Indians decided to boycott the committee. So when the commission arrived in India in 1928, it was greeted with the slogan 'Become back Simon'. All parties including the Congress and the Muslim League, participated in the demonstrations.
(c) The demonstration past all parties confronting the Simon Commission was justified on the following grounds :

  1. Nether the Government of India Human action of 1919, the provincial councils set up were not truly democratic.
  2. The powers were even so in the hands of the Governor General of Republic of india.
  3. In response to the demands of the Indians, Simon Commission was appointed to expect into the ramble reforms in India only it was strange that no Indian was appointed every bit a fellow member. This was an insult for the Indians.
  4. Non to include an Indian was against the spirit of nationalists in Bharat. Hence
    demonstration against Simon Committee. .

Question x.
Describe the main events leading to Civil Defiance Move or Table salt- Satyagraha in 1930. .
Describe the different factors that shaped the political situations in the late 1920s.
The primary events/factors that led to kickoff of Salt Satyagraha were as mentioned below :

  1. Boycott of Simon Committee.
  2. Announcement of Lord Irwin in October 1929.
    (a) In October 1929 in order to win over Congress and the Muslim League, Lord Irwin Viceroy fabricated an offer of 'dominion status' for India in an unspecified time to come.
    (b) He likewise stated that a Round Table Conference would be held to discuss a future constitution for Bharat.
  3. These actions of Lord Irwin could not satisfy the radicals within the Congress.
  4. Subash Chandra Bose and Jawaharlal Nehru became more assertive.
  5. The liberals and moderats who were demanding constitutional organisation within the frame work of British dominion lost their influence.
  6. Nether these circumstances, Congress Session at Lahore was held in December 1929, nether the presidency of Jawaharlal Nehru.
  7. At Lahore session Congress passed a resolution for 'Purna Swaraj' or total independence for India. It was alleged that 26 January, 1930 would be celebrated as Independence 24-hour interval and
    people were to take a pledge to struggle for independence. Thus the phase was ready for adjacent
    part of struggle against the British government.

Question eleven.
What were the main demands put forward by Gandhiji in his letter dated 31st January 1930 to Viceroy ? What was the object and importance of Salt Tax ?
(a) After the Lahore session of Congress 26 January 1930 was celebrated as Independence Day. At Lahore resolution for 'Purna Swaraj' was passed. Then in order to reach this Gandhiji was authorised to start a move. Earlier starting a movement, Gandhiji wrote a letter of the alphabet on
31st January 1930 stating the demands which were wide ranging to include all classes within Indian society.
(b) The abolition of Common salt Tax was the most important demand because table salt was consumed by the rich every bit well as poor. It was one of the most essential items of food. The monopoly of the government over its production revealed the most oppressive policy of the British government. , Then to attract each and everyone into the move, Gandhiji included abolition of salt tax in his
eleven demands. The demands were, even so, non accustomed by the Viceroy. The footing for the start of Civil Disobedience Movement or Table salt Satyagraha was now ready.

Question 12.
Draw briefly the Salt March/Dandhi March undertaken by Mahatma Gandhi. What were its importance and effects ?

  1. Every bit the demands were non fulfilled, Gandhiji started march from his ashram in Sabarmati to the Gujarat littoral town of Dandi.
  2. He was accompanied by his 78 trusted followers.
  3. The march continued for 24 days about x miles a day.
  4. During the march Gandhiji explained to the people, the significant of swaraj and urged them to defy the British laws.
  5. On reaching Dandi on six April, he ceremonially violated the salt law, manufacturing salt by boiling ocean water.

(b) Importance :
Manufacturing salt by boiling sea water was the beginning of the Civil Disobedience Movement. It was dissimilar from Non-cooperation Motion of 1920-22 because people were asked not only to reject cooperation with the British but also to intermission colonial laws such as Salt Police force which was the most oppressive confront of the British rule.

Question 13.
Describe the various activities that took place during the first phase of the Ceremonious Disobedience Motion. Why was it withdrawn in March 1931 ? [CBSE 2016]
Why did Gandhiji decide to phone call off the Civil Disobedience Movement ?
(a) The various activities that took place during the first phase of the movement were as mentioned beneath :

  1. Violation of table salt laws by manufacturing salt.
  2. Boycott of strange fabric.
  3. Picketing of liquor shops.
  4. Refusal of peasants to pay revenue and chaukidari taxes.
  5. Resignation of village officials.
  6. Violation of woods laws and going to Reserved forests to collect forest and grazing cattle.

(b) Policy of the regime :

  1. The government adopted a repressive policy.
  2. Information technology arrested the Congress leaders.
  3. Abdul Gaffar Khan, a devout disciple of Gaiidhiji, was arrested in April 1930. It led to clashes in Peshawar.
  4. In police force firing many people were killed.
  5. In Sholapur, people attacked lawcourts, railway stations and the structures that symbolised the British rule.
  6. As a outcome of repressive policy about 100,000 people were arrested.

(c) Every bit a effect of government's repressive policy in which children and women were beaten Gandhiji one time again decided to call off the movement. Gandhi-Irwin Pact was signed on 5th March 1931.

Question xiv.
What were primary features of the Gandhi-Irwin Pact ? How and when was the Civil Disobedience relaunched and lost its momentum ?
(a) Gandhiji decided to phone call off the motion and entered into a Pact with Irwin on 5 March 1931.

  1. The primary feature of the agreement was that Gandhiji consented to participate in a Round Table Conference in London.
  2. The government agreed to release the political prisoners.

(b) Gandhiji went to London to attend the 2nd Round Table Conference as the sole representative of the Congress. The Round Table Conference, still, failed. Gandhiji re¬turned empty handed. On his return, he found that the government was post-obit a repressive policy. Ghaffar Khan and Jawaharlal Nehru had already been arrested. Congress had been declared illegal. The government had taken many steps to forbid meetings, demonstrations and boycotts. Gandhiji restarted the movement again on i January, 1932. Information technology continued only soon lost its momentum and was withdrawn in 1934.

Question 15.
Why did the unlike social groups join the Civil Defiance Movement ?[CBSE2016]
"The Congress was reluctant to include the demands of industrial workers in its programme of struggle." Analayse. [CBSE 2016]
The different social groups joined the Civil Disobedience Movement for the reasons equally mentioned
below :

(1) Rich peasant communities : The reasons for the rich peasant communities for taking role ire the movement were as given below :

  1. The rich communities like the Patidars of Gujarat and the Jats of Uttar Pradesh were producers of commercial crops. They were very hard striking by the trade depression and falling prices.
  2. They were non in a position to pay revenue to the government. They joined the movement in society to go the revenue reduced. They even forced reluctant members to participate in the boycott programmes. For them the fight for swaraj was a struggle against high revenues.
  3. The refusal of the government to reduce the acquirement demand had led to widespread
    resentment among the rich peasants.

(ii) Poor peasantry :

  1. Poor peasantry joined the move in the hope that their unpaid hire to the landlord would be remitted because due to depression they were non in a position to
    pay the rent. Many of them were pocket-sized tenants cultivating land they had rented from landlords. Their cash income had dwindled due to depression.
  2. The Congress was apprehensive of raising isshes considering that might upset the rich peasants and landlords. So, Congress did not support 'no rent' campaigns. Thus, the relationship between the poor peasants and the Congress remained uncertain.

(3) Business organization classes :

  1. They wanted protection against imports of foreign goods and a rupee-sterling strange commutation ratio that would discourage imports.
  2. They formed the Indian Industrial and Commercial Congress in 1920 and the Federation of the Indian Sleeping room of Commerce and Industries (FICCI) in 1927.
  3. Prominent industrialists Purshottamdas Thakurdas and G.D. Birla attacked the colonial control over the Indian economy and supported the Civil Disobedience Movement.
  4. They refused to sell or buy imported goods. Well-nigh businessmen came to see swaraj equally a time when colonial restrictions on business concern would no longer exist and merchandise and industry would flourish without constraints. But after the failure of the Round Table Conference, business groups were no longer uniformly enthusiastic. They were apprehensive of the spread of militant activities. They were also worried about prolonged disruption of business organisation, as well as of the growing influence of socialism amongst the younger members of the Congress.

(4) Industrial working grade :

  1. They did not participate in the movement in large numbers except in the Nagpur region.
  2. As the industrialists came closer to Congress, the workers stayed aristocratic.
  3. Some workers did participate in the Civil Disobedience Motion selectively as mentioned beneath :
    (a) Cold-shoulder of foreign goods as function of their own movements against low wages and poor working conditions.
    (b) There were strikes by railway workers in 1930.
    (c) Dockworkers' strike in 1932.
    (d) In 1930 thousands of workers in Chotanagpur in mines wore Gandhi caps and participated in protestation rallies and boycott campaign.It may be mentioned that the Congress was reluctant to include workers' demands because that would amerce industrialists and divide anti-royal forces.

Question sixteen.
What was the part of women in the Civil Disobedience Move ?
At that place was large-scale participation of women every bit mentioned below :

  1. During salt march, thousands of women came out of their homes to listen him (Gandhiji).
  2. Women participated in protestation marches, manufactured salt and picketed foreign cloth and liquor shops.
  3. Many went to jail: In urban areas these women were from high caste families; in rural areas they came from rich peasant households.
  4. They were moved by the telephone call of Gandhiji and began to see service to the nation as a sacred duty of women.The participation, however, did not change their condition because Gandhiji was convinced that information technology was the duty of the women to await later abode and hearth to be good mothers and adept wives.

Question 17.
Not all social groups were moved by the abstract concept of Swaraj. Support the argument in the light of Civil Disobedience Movement.
Describe the limits of Ceremonious Defiance Movement.
Thousands of people in different parts of the land broke the salt laws and boycotted foreign cloth. Liquor shops were picketed by women who participated in protest marches and manufactured common salt. But at that place were many social groups that? did not participate in the Civil Disobedience Motility. These were equally given beneath:

  1. Untouchables : Untouchables or dalits or oppressed for long had been ignored by the Congress because of the fear of offending the sanatanis, the conservative high caste Hindus. The result was that the dalit leaders organised themselves and demanded reserved seats in educational institutions and separate electorates for legislature councils. They thought that political empowerment would solve their problems. Dalit participation, was, therefore limited particularly in Maharashtra and Nagpur region where their arrangement was stiff.
  2. Muslim participation : Later the Non-Cooperation Movement, a large department of Muslim felt alienated from the Congress. Relations betwixt Hindus and Muslims had wors-ened. There were communal riots in various cities. However, efforts were made to bring two communities closer past solving the question of representation. But due to failure of these efforts, there was an atmosphere of suspicion and distrust between these two communities. Thus, large sections of Muslims remained alienated from the Congress and did not participate in the Civil Disobedience Movement. They feared that the civilisation and identity of minorities would be in danger under the domination of a Hindu majority.

Question eighteen.
Describe the views of Mahatma Gandhi on untouchability and efforts made by him to get Harijans their rights.
(a) Mahatma Gandhi was against untouchability. He alleged that swaraj would not come for a hundred years if untouchability was non eliminated. He called the 'untouchables' harijan or the children of God.

  1. He organised Satyagraha to secure them entry into temples, and access to public wells, tanks, roads and schools.
  2. He himself cleaned toilets to dignify the piece of work of the bhangi (sweepers).
  3. He persuaded upper caste to change their heart and give upwardly 'the sin of untouchability'.

Question xix.
Describe Poona Pact of September 1932.
Later on the annunciation of Communal Accolade in August 1932 which gave separate electorate to dalits, Gandhiji began a fast unto death. Gandhiji believed that separate elector¬ates for dalit would slow down the process of their integration into society. Ultimately, Poona Pact was signed in September 1932. This gave the Depressed Classes reserved seats in provincial and central legislative councils. They were, all the same, to be voted in by the general electorate exist., by all the voters in a constituency.

Question 20.
"Nationalism spreads when people begin to believe that they are all part of the same nation." Support the statement. [CBSE 2015]
It is true to say that nationalism spreads when people begin to believe that they are all function of^the same nation, when they detect some unity that binds them together. In India such sense of commonage belonging came partly through the feel of united struggles. But there were as well a variety of cultural processes through which nationalism captured people's imagination. Thus nationalism spreads in the means equally mentioned below :

  1. Symbol of a figure or image : The identity of India was visualised with the image of Bharat Mata. The prototype was first created by Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay. Abanindranath Tagore painted his famous image of India Mata. Devotion to mother figure was treated as evidence of 1's nationalism.
  2. Revival of Indian sociology : In the late nineteenth century, revival of folklore helped in the development of nationalism. Folk songs and legends, gave a truthful picture of traditional civilization. It helped in discovering national identity and restoring a sense of pride.
  3. Icons and symbols : More icons and symbols helped in unifying people and inspiring in them a feeling of nationalism. The examples are designing of a tricolour flag during Swadeshi movement, Swaraj flag by Gandhiji in 1921. The carrying, of Swaraj flag during marches and demonstrations became a symbol of disobedience.
  4. Interpretation of history : The interpretation of history besides helped in raising the sense of nationalism among the Indians. Nationalist history drew the attention of the Indians to the slap-up achievements of the past as was done past the extremists similar Lok Manya Tilak.
  5. The sense of commonage belonging came partly through the experience of united struggles such as Non-Cooperation Movement, Civil Disobedience Move and Quit India Movement.
    There were also multifariousness of cultural processes through which nationalism captured people'due south imagination. History and fiction, folklore and songs, pop prints and symbols, all played a office in the making of nationalism.


On the given political outline map of Bharat locate and label the following places of national motility:

  1. Champaran
  2. Kheda
  3. Amritsar
  4. Chauri-Chaura
  5. Lahore
  6. Bardoli

The places have been located and labelled. Meet the map given below :
Class 10 History Chapter 3 Extra Questions and Answers Nationalism in India 1

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